The conscious birth method course is a signature online course created by the Conscious Birth Movement. Inspired by the need to close the information gaps for women entering the birthing world with the vision to reduce birth and postnatal trauma.
What is the Conscious Birth Method?
The conscious birth method course is for conscious mothers who are envisioning an empowering, transformational and natural birth.
The course will help you overcome fear, doubt and anxiety by teaching you both ancient and modern birthing wisdom.
By following the method you will journey through your Rite of Passage into motherhood feeling like the confident, conscious and empowered matriarch you were born to be.
No matter how your birth unfolds, this course is your foundation to feeling confident and empowered into motherhood and beyond.
Benefits of the Conscious Birth Method
A woman’s primal brain is hardwired with a natural physiological biofeedback system that knows innately how to birth her baby.
Like the beating of her heart and the inhalation and exhalation of her lungs, it is an autonomic, biological mechanism.
After doing this course, you will know how to:
- Create the perfect environment and birth support team to honour, respect and potentiate YOUR desired birth
- Have a full and embodied comprehension of natural physiological birth and how your choices can influence outcomes
- Listen deeply and trust your OWN intuition and inner guidance when it comes to your body and your baby
- Use your pregnancy as a deep portal of mind, body and spirit transformation and healing to clear your inner path for a conscious empowering Rite of Passage into motherhood and beyond
- Create your own birth plan that includes everything that needs to be communicated to your care providers
The conscious birth method course has been transformational for me because it has enabled me to realise I have the power within ME to make informed, empowered and conscious choices for how I will birth my baby. The course has been incredibly insightful – learning about the history of the wisdom of birthing, female archetypes and how they play out my own modern day pregnancy. I am excited to be a wild woman.
- Understand the cascade of interventions and how making one decision may lead to undesirable outcomes that do not align with your birth plan
- Stand in your truth and create and cultivate YOUR desired birth, have the confidence to stand strong with your partner when needed
- Be equip with the tools and techniques to master birth and any crisis of confidence that comes your way
- Your partner is informed, confident and knows what their role is and how they can help you to achieve your desired birth experience
- Prepare for the post partum period, with a solid plan and partner involvement so everyone is on the same page
- Support your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience with essential oils
- How to plan a mother blessing ceremony step by step, before baby arrives
- Know what to expect as you move into motherhood, experiencing the changes and challenges along the way
What’s included in the Conscious Birth Method?
Pillar One – Foundations + Ancient Wisdom. Journey back to a time when women would pass along the knowledge of birth in the Red Tent. Learn about history, archetypes, brainwave neuro training, normal physiological birth, radical self responsibility, intuition plus more. 9 videos and meditations included
Pillar Two – Mindfulness, Embodiment + Spiritual Alchemy. You are aware that pregnancy and birth is an enormous portal to growth, healing and transformation. In this pillar you deep dive into the practical wisdom and exercises to support and nourish your personal journey.
Pillar Three – The Birth Plan. Here you will find all the essentials to create your ideal birth plan including an easy tick and flick template you can complete and share with your care providers
“I gave birth a few hours ago. It was 100% physiological in a hospital. I barely saw the midwife. My partner and I delivered our baby. And hours later, I’m still marvelling at my body and my mind. I have said things tonight like, “I can do anything now”, “I wish all women knew we had this power”. My support team have gone home in awe. Thank you, deeply, for sharing your gifts with us so that we may have empowered births that take us to dimensions we never realised existed.”
Pillar Four – Birthing Techniques. In this pillar we teach you 20+ different, tried and tested techniques, practices, skills, tools and movements that help support you, encourage endorphins (natural pain relief) and anchor you consciously into your labour and birth.
Pillar Five – Your Partner ‘The Birth-keeper + Guardian’. This Pillar will have your partner feeling empowered, confident and equipped with their 3 essential birth roles, as well as excited for your birth and their important part in it! Learn about the male archetypes, BRAINS technique, love languages and postpartum planning.
Pillar Six – The Golden Hour. What to expect in the first hours after giving birth and moving into the first 40 days postpartum. This pillar covers skin-to-skin, breastfeeding, vermix, placenta, natural physiological 4th stage, cord clamping and more.
4 Bonuses included:
- BONUS #1 – Birthing Essential Oils Masterclass
- BONUS #2 – The Mother Blessing Ritual Guidebook
- BONUS #3 – Matrescence Support + Resources
- BONUS #4 – The Postpartum Plan
How you can Access the CBM Course
The Conscious Birth Method course is an online course available through the Conscious Birth Movement website. For more detailed information visit this site to see exactly how much amazing content is available.
This is a course that will change the trajectory of the birth as we see it today. It is designed to help women rise, fully prepare and inform them for birth and to help them cultivate the birth of their dreams.
“I will definitely be looking back at this course knowing it really played a part in preparing me for the birth and motherhood. The wisdom in this course is unbelievable, the energy in the videos is contagious! For someone who hates studying I have really enjoyed this, and found it really simple, you girls teach in a really simple effective way! It was addictive watching the videos, one would stop and I would just want to watch the next already!”
Thanks to Live Well Love Wellness for the share.
The Conscious Birth Method
This online course is for conscious mothers who are envisioning an empowering, transformational birth. We help you overcome fear, doubt and anxiety by teaching you both ancient and modern birthing wisdom, archetypes of the birthing mother, brainwave neurotraining, mind, body and spirit alchemy, mindset re-framing, powerful birthing techniques, how to write your birth plan, the golden hours after birth and so much more! So you can journey through your rite of passage into motherhood feeling like the confident, conscious and empowered matriarch you are born to be.
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